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ford-fulkerson whit DFS

img of ford-fulkerson whit DFS

The solution for this is noted below

ford-fulkerson whit DFS


   inf = float('inf')

flow_network = [
	#Ajacency matrix to represent a flow network.
    #m[i][j] = capacity of the edge (i, j).
    #If m[i][j] = 0, then, there is a backward edge from i to j.
    #If m[i][j] = inf, then, there is no edge from i to j.
	[inf, 5, 3, inf],
	[0, inf, inf, 2],
	[0, inf, inf, 1],
	[inf, 0, 0, inf],

fn2 = [
	[inf, 10, 10, inf, inf, inf],
	[0, inf, inf, 25, 0, inf],
	[0, inf, inf, inf, 15, inf],
	[inf, 0, inf, inf, inf, 10],
	[inf, 6, inf, inf, inf, 10],
	[inf, inf, inf, 0, 0, inf],

fn3 = [
	[inf, 7, 4, inf, inf, inf],
	[0, inf, 0, 5, 3, inf],
	[0, 3, inf, inf, 2, inf],
	[inf, 0, inf, inf, 0, 8],
	[inf, 0, 0, 3, inf, 5],
	[inf, inf, inf, 0, 0, inf],

fn4 = [
	[inf, 5, 1, inf],
	[0, inf, 0, 2],
	[0, 3, inf, 2],
	[inf, 0, 0, inf]

fn5 = [
	[inf, 5, 10],
	[0, inf, 2],
	[0 ,0, inf],

def show_matrix(matriz):
    #This function is just for debugging.
	for fila in matriz:
	return None

def ford_fulkerson(graph):
    #This function calculates the max flow of a flow network by using the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm with the DFS.
    #It only takes one argument, the adjacency matrix that represents the flow network,
    #this is because we assume the source_index = 0 and sink_index = 0.

	graph_len = len(graph)
	##In this matrix m[i][j] = f(i,j) = flow from node i to j.
	flow_matrix = [[0] * graph_len for i in range(graph_len)]
	#The flow starts being zero.
	max_flow = 0

	#If there is not edge from i to j then there is not flow from i to j:
	for i in range(graph_len):
		for j in range(graph_len):
			if graph[i][j] == inf:
				flow_matrix[i][j] = inf

	#Variables to use while DFS:
	souce_index = 0
	sink_index = graph_len - 1
	path = []
	bottle_neck = float('inf')
	visited = [False] * graph_len

	def DFS(current_node_index):
    #If it is possible, generates an augmenting path from the source to the sink.
    #find the bottleneck value that correspond to the augmenting path.

        #Allows to access non local variables from this function.
		nonlocal visited
		nonlocal bottle_neck
		nonlocal path

		#Stopping condition: once we reach the sink, add the current node index to the path and mark every node as visited.
        #By doing it, the DFS stops.
		if current_node_index == sink_index:
			for i in range(graph_len):
				visited[i] = True

		#Mark the current node as visited:
		visited[current_node_index] = True
		#Get the capacities of the current node:
		capacities = graph[current_node_index]
		#Get the current node’s flows:
		flows = flow_matrix[current_node_index]

		for i in range(graph_len):
			#rc means remaining capacity
			rc = capacities[i] - flows[i]
			#If the remaining capacity is greater than zero and the node has not been visited, then we can go through this node:
			if rc > 0 and not visited[i]:
				#Add the node to the path if it is not there:
				if not current_node_index in path:

				#Compute the remaining capacity recursively:
				bottle_neck = min(bottle_neck, rc)
				#Call the function recursively

	def augment_path(bottle_neck, path):
		#This function augments the flows of all edges that belongs to an augmenting path.
        #it also reduce the backward edges flows.
		for i in range(len(path) - 1):
			fron = path[i]
			to = path[i + 1]
			flow_matrix[fron][to] += bottle_neck
			flow_matrix[to][fron] -= bottle_neck

	while True:
		#If the sink_node_index is not in the path then this is not a valid augmenting path and there are no more of them,
		#so we stop the algorithm.
		if not sink_index in path:
		max_flow += bottle_neck
		augment_path(bottle_neck, path)
		#Reset variables so we can use them again.
		visited = [False] * graph_len
		path = []

	return max_flow


#Note: English is not my core idiom, so there can be some gramma mistakes in the code’s comments.

Try other methods by searching on the site. That is if this doesn’t work