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golang check rune is number

img of golang check rune is number

The solution for this is noted below

golang check rune is number


   // Go program to illustrate how to
// check the given rune is a
// decimal digit or not
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Creating rune
    rune_1 := 'g'
    rune_2 := 'e'
    rune_3 := '1'
    rune_4 := '4'
    rune_5 := 'S'
    // Checking the given rune is 
    // a decimal digit or not
    // Using IsDigit() function
    res_1 := unicode.IsDigit(rune_1)
    res_2 := unicode.IsDigit(rune_2)
    res_3 := unicode.IsDigit(rune_3)
    res_4 := unicode.IsDigit(rune_4)
    res_5 := unicode.IsDigit(rune_5)
    // Displaying results

Try other methods by searching on the site. That is if this doesn’t work