

- 1 min read

showing difference between dates in minutes js

img of showing difference between dates in minutes js

The solution for this is noted below

showing difference between dates in minutes js


   const today = new Date()
const endDate = new Date(startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 7))
const days = parseInt((endDate - today) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
const hours = parseInt((Math.abs(endDate - today) / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24)
const minutes = parseInt((Math.abs(endDate.getTime() - today.getTime()) / (1000 * 60)) % 60)
const seconds = parseInt((Math.abs(endDate.getTime() - today.getTime()) / 1000) % 60)

Try other methods by searching on the site. That is if this doesn’t work